What Is The Path To Polymathy?

The Explanation

So you've decided you want to learn something new, but what now? There is so much information out there on the internet, a lot of it free, but where do you start? We don't know what we don't know.

Well that's the problem that I hope to solve with the Path To Polymathy. An arrangement of every discipline and field out there, and what specific topics make them up. From there, it's a lot easier to navigate the internet and you can start learning a new topic much faster.

I hope you gain both insight and inspiration on your journey to becoming a polymath, or simply learning a few new things, even if polymathy isn't exactly what you're aiming for.

The Inspiration

I was quite attracted to the idea of becoming a polymath, still am in fact. Talk about a lifelong pursuit. But I would sit down to learn something new, and I found it quite overwhelming. Where on Earth am I meant to start? What do I need to research if I want to learn geology or engineering or philosophy?

Well I tried to solve that problem, I looked high and low for a resource like this one, something to help me navigate the world of academia, but I couldn't find anything. So I figured I'd create it myself. This project is the result.

The Aspiration (this is where you come in...)

From here, I'd love to keep expanding and adding to the mind map over time, making it more and more comprehensive.

I'd also love to compile specific resources for each branch as well. Imagine, upon reaching a branch you're interested in, that you've decided you're going to learn, if the mind map also offered up some resources to get you started. Some links to a YouTube channel or a great online course. This could become an incredibly helpful resource with that addition, but that is not a goal I could hope to achieve without a lot of help from you all.

So, if you know of or come across a great resource that could help others learn a subject, please share it here on the feedback page, and we can build something really special.



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